free gold trading signals today after break down uptrend line

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free gold trading signals today after break down uptrend line

Athar dewidar
free gold trading signals today after break down uptrend line
Published: Friday, 19 January 2018 12:39
Gold Trading signals free live Today from Gold Patternthat  send directly on mobile and email every day
Gold Sale recommendation from Gold Pattern the Best gold signals provider and website Recommendations
sell @ 1336
tp1 @ 1322
tp2 @ 1312
sl @ 1343

Gold Technical Analysis Today and Gold Price Forecasts and the reason for the recommendation to sell gold today:
Gold broke through the medium term bullish trend line near the 1330 level
The gold price has been rised to re-test the trend line after breakout ,
which reversed the role and became the resistance level now
Which is the signal for the sale of gold in the global market
Gold Technical Analysis Today Gold is preferred to sell XAU USD as long as the price of gold is below 1343
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