What’s the best way to add volume using kinky straight clip in extensions?

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What’s the best way to add volume using kinky straight clip in extensions?

To add volume using kinky straight clip in hair extensions, start by selecting extensions that closely match your natural hair texture. Start by splitting your hair into horizontal sections, moving your way up from the neck. Clip in the shorter wefts at the lower sections to create a natural foundation, then add longer wefts higher up for a seamless blend.

For extra volume, backcomb the roots slightly before clipping in each weft to provide extra grip and fullness. Layer the extensions strategically, placing more wefts around the crown and sides where volume is needed most. To blend, use a wide-tooth comb or paddle brush to gently fluff the hair, maintaining the natural kinky straight texture.

For a fuller effect, lightly blow-dry the extensions on low heat while using a round brush to lift the roots. You can also use a crimping iron at the base of your natural hair before installing the extensions for added volume without compromising the texture.
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Re: What’s the best way to add volume using kinky straight clip in extensions?

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