What is the shortest way to configure AOL mail?

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What is the shortest way to configure AOL mail?

We know the most reliable way, fortunately, that is the shortest as well. AOL email settings require the users to configure SMTP/IMAP (sometimes POP, which we do not recommend). Here the details that you need to enter to setup SMTP.
•         AOL SMTP server name – smtp.aol.com.
•         SMTP port – 465.
•         Encryption method – TLS/SSL.
•         Username – your full AOL email address ending with @aol.com.
•         Password – Your correct AOL Mail Password.
Now follow these settings to configure IMAP.
•         Server name – imap.aol.com
•         Port number – 993.
•         Encryption technique – SSL.
The rest of the details are common with SMTP settings.
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Re: What is the shortest way to configure AOL mail?

1. AOL SMTP Settings
SMTP Server name: smtp.aol.com

SMTP Port: 465

Encryption: TLS / SSL encryption

SMTP Username: your entire AOL email address (including the “@aol.com”)

SMTP Password: your AOL mail password

2. AOL POP Mail Server Settings
AOL Server name: pop.aol.com

Port Number: 995

Encryption: SSL

POP Password: your AOL mail password

3. AOL Mail IMAP Server Settings
AOL Mail IMAP Server: imap.aol.com

Port: 993

Encryption: SSL

IMAP Password: your AOL email password

When entering your account info, make sure that you use your full email address, including @aol.com. Also, ensure that SSL encryption is enabled for both incoming and outgoing mail.

Note: For AOL users who migrated to AOL’s email service with Verizon email, check out my article on How to Set Up Verizon Email Settings to set up your mail account.

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Next, let’s look at how you can add account settings in email clients, such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird, etc.

How to Set Up Your AOL Server Settings
In most cases, your email app allows you to set up SMTP, IMAP, and POP settings via your account settings in the mail app you’re using.

All you need to do is add your AOL account to the email application and enter the SMTP and POP/IMAP parameters in your account settings to set up your incoming and outgoing mail server.

This may help you out,
J Wick