What is Core Java?

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What is Core Java?

Core Java refers to the fundamental components of the Java programming language that are used to create general-purpose applications. It encompasses the basic libraries and APIs provided by the Java Standard Edition (Java SE). Core Java forms the foundation of the Java platform and is essential for all Java developers. Here are the main aspects and components of Core Java:

Key Components of Core Java
Java Language Fundamentals:

Syntax: The basic syntax rules for writing Java programs, including keywords, data types, operators, control statements, etc.
OOP Concepts: Object-oriented programming principles such as classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction.
Java Standard Libraries (Java API):

java.lang: Fundamental classes such as Object, System, String, Math, Thread, etc.
java.util: Utility classes like collections framework (List, Set, Map), date and time facilities, random number generation, etc.
java.io: Input and output classes for reading and writing data to files, streams, and networking.
java.nio: Non-blocking I/O classes for efficient file and network operations.
java.net: Classes for network operations, such as creating and handling sockets, URLs, etc.
java.sql: Classes for database connectivity and operations using JDBC (Java Database Connectivity).
Java Development Kit (JDK):
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Compiler (javac): Converts Java source code into bytecode.
Interpreter/Runtime (java): Executes the compiled Java bytecode.
Debugger (jdb): Helps in debugging Java applications.
Archiver (jar): Packages Java classes and resources into JAR files.
Documentation Tool (javadoc): Generates HTML documentation from Java source code comments.
Java Virtual Machine (JVM):

Bytecode Execution: The JVM executes the compiled bytecode, making Java platform-independent.
Garbage Collection: Automatic memory management by reclaiming memory used by unreferenced objects.
JIT Compiler: Just-In-Time compiler for converting bytecode into native machine code at runtime for performance optimization.
Concurrency and Multithreading:

Thread Class and Runnable Interface: For creating and managing threads in Java applications.
Concurrency Utilities (java.util.concurrent): Advanced concurrency features like thread pools, atomic variables, locks, and more.
Core Java Features and Concepts
Platform Independence: Write once, run anywhere capability due to bytecode execution by the JVM.
Robustness: Strong memory management, exception handling, and type-checking mechanisms.
Security: Java provides a secure execution environment through features like bytecode verification, sandboxing, and the security manager.
Rich Standard Library: A vast set of built-in libraries and APIs for various functionalities.
Scalability: Suitable for developing a wide range of applications, from small utilities to large-scale enterprise systems.
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