Swirge, Inc. The company behind Swirge

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Swirge, Inc. The company behind Swirge

Slot pulsa tanpa potongan is a recently registered as a Delaware C cooperation company in the United States of America as Swirge, Inc. With address; 611, 1007 N Orange St. 4th Floor, Wilmington, DE, New Castle, US, 19801.

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And also registered in Nigeria as Swirge Nigeria Limited to grant us legal operating rights in the country of Nigeria. We have plans for expansion into other countries of the world in due time.

Being legally compliant is our primary focus as we build revolutionary products. For this reason, we took the step to register our company in the United States of America as a Delaware C cooperation.

Swirge, Inc. will now be recognized as the parent company and continue building the Swirge product or products.

With this done, Swirge, Inc. is planning on raising a seed funding round to help build, grow and improve our products and launch the Swirge mobile application off beta. The Swirge team will soon publish more details on the Swirge seed funding round. If you wish to contact us regarding our seed funding round, please email us at legal@swirge.com thank you.

We continue to build, and Swirge is focused on building products that will help decentralize the internet and improve the open web.

Slot pulsa tanpa potongan is a recently registered as a Delaware C cooperation company in the United States of America as Swirge, Inc. With address; 611, 1007 N Orange St. 4th Floor, Wilmington, DE, New Castle, US, 19801.