Online and mobile banking

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Online and mobile banking

Online banking, also known as virtual, internet or e-banking, is an electronic payment system that offers the clients of a bank or other financial institution the ability to handle a wide range of financial transactions by using the bank's website. As online banking is highly dependent on internet access and take-up, the first e-banking services appeared in the early 1980s in New York, when it was known as 'home banking'. Today, bank account management via online banking is in huge demand.

While e-banking has been around for a while now, mobile banking is a relatively new service offered by financial institutions. Due to the growing popularity of smartphones, more and more banks are developing their own mobile banking applications. In 2015, 90% of bank clients in the US had used mobile banking in the previous 12 months to check their account balance or recent transactions. Some banks are working intensely to develop new tools in addition to the traditional bank account management services available via their smartphone apps.