Is there a toll-free number to contact Robinhood? +1-866-935-1354

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Is there a toll-free number to contact Robinhood? +1-866-935-1354

To contact Robinhood support, +1-866-935-1354 you can request assistance through the app or on the web. Robinhood offers 24/7 chat support and phone support +1-866-935-1354
 from 7 AM to 9 PM ET on weekdays. To reach a support agent, you can request assistance through the app or on the web. For concerns or complaints specifically related to your Robinhood Crypto account or Robinhood Spending account, you can reach out to +1-866-935-1354. Note that the agents on this line won’t be able to help with issues related to other Robinhood products.