How to setup Pantum Printer ?

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How to setup Pantum Printer ?

For printing a document or photo, you need to perform a Pantum Printer Setup. The set up process includes connecting to power cord, Loading paper, and installing cartridges. On the other hand, you need to download and install the Pantum Printer Drivers from for printing job. You can install the software with help of wireless or USB connection and go ahead for document printing. For more support, you can get instant help from our assistants for Pantum Printer Setup.
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Re: How to setup Pantum Printer ?

If you are installing a printer on a computer and don’t have the installation disc to hand, there’s no need to worry.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to installing a printer without the disc.

Before you begin
The process for installing a printer without a disc will vary slightly depending on whether your computer operates on Windows or macOS. However, the first step will be to connect your printer via a USB. The majority of modern printers contain USB connectivity which helps to install the relevant drivers. Ensure your computer or device is connected to the internet* to install drivers from the operating system. Connect the printer via USB and turn the printer on.

If the printer does not have USB connectivity, you should download a printer specific driver from the manufacturer’s website. This will allow you to utilise the full functionality of your printer. You can do this as follows:

Note the make and model of the printer.
Visit the Support section of the manufacturer’s website and search for the relevant model.
Download the relevant drivers for your printer and computer’s operating system. Windows users must download Windows drivers and Mac users must download Mac drivers.
Check for any additional software for your printer for additional functionality, including operations such as scanning.

Jimmy Wick