Gulzar is loved by people for his unique style of poetry.
Heart Touching Gulzar Shayari is an art form that touches the heart. It conveys profound emotions and wisdom of life through beautiful words. When reading these poems, can make people feel the power of emotion, inspire people's thinking, give readers comfort and encouragement, and guide people to think about the meaning and value of life.
Heart Touching Gulzar Shayari
तुम्हारी ख़ुश्क सी आँखें भली नहीं लगतीं
वो सारी चीज़ें जो तुम को रुलाएँ, भेजी हैं
Your dry eyes don't look good.
Sent all the things that make you cry.
एक बार तो यूँ होगा कि थोड़ा सा सुकून होगा,
ना दिल में कसक होगी और ना सर पे जूनून होगा
At least once this happens there will be some peace,
There will be no tension in the heart and no passion in the head.
तेरे जाने से तो कुछ बदला नहीं,
रात भी आयी और चाँद भी था, मगर नींद नहीं
Nothing has changed since you left.
Night came and there was moon, but no sleep.
शाम से आँख में नमी सी है
आज फिर आप की कमी सी है
There is moisture in the eyes since evening.
I'm missing you again today.
दौलत नहीं शोहरत नहीं,न वाह चाहिए
“कैसे हो?” बस दो लफ़्जों की परवाह चाहिए
No wealth, no fame, no wow.
"How are you?" Just need to care about two words.
कल का हर वाक़िआ तुम्हारा था
आज की दास्ताँ हमारी है
Everything that happened yesterday was yours.
Today's story is ours.
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