Has anyone experienced data migration challenges with SAN storage? How did you overcome them?

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Has anyone experienced data migration challenges with SAN storage? How did you overcome them?

Hello Forum Members,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm currently in the midst of a data migration project involving SAN storage, and I wanted to reach out to this knowledgeable community to gather insights and advice.

Has anyone here experienced challenges during data migration with SAN storage? If so, I would greatly appreciate hearing about your experiences and how you managed to overcome any hurdles. Whether it's dealing with unexpected downtime, data integrity issues, or any other aspects related to SAN storage migration, your input would be incredibly valuable.

Feel free to share as much or as little detail as you're comfortable with. Your real-world experiences can provide valuable insights for those of us navigating the complexities of SAN storage data migration.

Thank you in advance for your time and expertise. I look forward to learning from the collective wisdom of this community.