GoldenFaucet -

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GoldenFaucet -


Earn 50% referral commission
Click ads, claim faucet and do offerwalls and earn bitcoin
Claim 10 to 15 satoshi every 10 minutes
You can claim faucet every 10 minutes, unlimited times.
Instant payments to FaucetHub
Many earning ways
Trusted and experianced admins

In personal settings set your faucethub bitcoin address and get paid INSTANTLY! EVERY faucet claim and every click to PTC ads will be paid to your faucethub instantly!

If you do not like faucethub, no worries, your claims and clicks will be credited to account balance. You can withdraw account balance as soon as you reach 10000 satoshi (0.0001 BTC) to Payeer, Perfect money, Bitcoin adress!

Sister site of Goldenclix and SilverClix!
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Re: GoldenFaucet -

DogeCoin Faucet
You can claim 0.18 doge every 5 minutes. Same as in Bitcoin faucet, your claim will be paid instantly to faucethub if you provided dogecoin address from your faucethub account.
f you do not have faucethub, your earnings will be credited to account balance.
You can withdraw dogecoin account balance when you collect 50 doge.

To start autofaucet simply click and pass through advertisements that you will see bellow. Each advertisement will give you 30 minutes of autoclaiming.