GBP USD trading signals free and ride wave C

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GBP USD trading signals free and ride wave C

Athar dewidar

GBP USD trading signals free and ride wave C
Published: Thursday, 04 January 2018 14:45
Currency Recommendations and the Pound Sterling Recommendation from Gold Pattern  the best free forex
GBP USD trading signals  provider and trading signals is live and market excution order
sell @ 1.3550
tp @ 1.3480
sl @ 1.3590
Today's currency analysis and GBP / USD technical analysis indicates the completion of five upside waves
over the medium term Which started from the 1.3030 level of about two months
And ended near the 1.3600 level and we notice that the third wave is extended
and that the first wave is equal to the fifth wave
The pair dropped from $ 1.3600
To form wave A of the expected correction and the pair has made a corrective correction of about 50% of Fibonacci ratios
And the technical analysis indicates that the pair's bearish trend may resume in the near term to form wave C
According to the strategy of trading the zigzag pattern prefer to sell and ride the last wave C of the correction
And the price target in this case, as wave C will be EQUAL wave A
The target price is 1.3440
Summary of today's analysis of the GBPUSD technical analysis, currency recommendations and the GBPUSD recommendation
Preferably selling sterling as long as the pair is below 1.3600 targeting 1.3440
This is why Gold Pattern offers a recommendation to sell the free GBP usd signals on the mobile, e-mail,
and Gold Pattern website
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