Data Analytics course

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Data Analytics course

Data analytics is the process of  analysis, interpret and equip students to data handling. This includes important concepts such as data collection, cleaning, statistical analysis and machine learning. Students learn tools such as Python, R, SQL, Excel and BI platforms to handle large datasets and generate insights. The course usually includes descriptive, clinical, future indication and prescription analyzes to help companies adapt strategies. Practical projects and case studies improve the skills to solve the real world problem. A data analytics course comes in marketing, economics, health care and IT, which offers career growth in high diverse roles such as data analysts, business analysts and computer researchers. Whether initial or experienced professionals, students get valuable competence to run data -driven decisions.
We at Shikshaa Simple Learn  offer both online and offline courses with certificates, help individuals and companies benefit from data for development. Join our comprehensive data analytics course to open these skills doors for attractive career opportunities.

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