Click4btc -

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Click4btc -


Earn Bitcoins for clicking ads
Earn 0.00000024 BTC per Click
Earn upto 33% per referral click
Completing offers
Watching videos.
Bitcoin Miner
It pays to have friends with our 5-tier referral program system.
Earn up to 40% in referral commissions and build your earnings rapidly.
We offer a low cash out of your earnings at a minimum of 20000 satoshi to your FaucetHub Account

Free 1000 points=10000 Satoshi sign up bonus. Use it for whatever you like!
You can convert to the main balance!
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Re: Click4btc -

New option for users
Giving you more options to customize your experience here. Simply login to your account and go to your setting;  User → Settings. You will find the option to choose what captcha you like under Settings tab.
The new profile update will allow our users to add friends to their profiles and send them private messages. This will allow friends from all over the world to work together and communicate with one another in a fun environment.

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Re: Click4btc -

PTC Captcha Notice
Before clicking ads, please customize your Captcha to fit your verifying needs. We have 4 options to choose from; ReCaptcha, Solve Media, Coinhive, and Titan.

1. Simply login to your account and go to your setting; User → Settings.
2. Click on your username in the upper right corner to find the dropdown menu. Click Settings.
3. This is your site Settings. Please select the Preference Tab on Settings Page.
4. You will find all your site preferences here and may select the Captcha that works best for you.
5. Enter your pin, click save, and your Captcha has now been updated.
6. Begin earning from clicking ads! Enjoy!