Bitverts -

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Bitverts -

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Earn 0.00000640 - 0.00000080 ETH per click
Earn 10% per referral click

Earn 0.00000064 - 0.00000004 BTC per click
Earn 10% per referral click

Earn 0.00001560 - 0.00000003 LTC per click
Earn 10% per referral click

Earn 0.00000240 - 0.00000004 BTC per click
Earn 10% per referral click

Earn 0.00000045 - 0.00000011 currency per view

Currently accept Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash.
Minimum withdraw for Bitcoin is: 0.00010000 ( 10.000 sat )
Minimum withdraw for Ethereum is: 0.00100000 ( 100.000 sat )
Minimum withdraw for Litecoin is: 0.00200000 ( 200.000 sat )
Minimum withdraw for Bitcoin Cash is: 0.00020000 ( 20.000 sat )
Enjoy multiple payment currency methods
- Paid to Click
- Youtube Video Advertising
- More coming soon
10% Referral Commission
More methods soon
Earn By Clicking Daily
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Re: Bitverts -

Minimum withdraw for Bitcoin is: 0.00020000

Minimum withdraw for Ethereum is: 0.00200000

Minimum withdraw for Litecoin is: 0.00200000

Minimum withdraw for Bitcoin Cash is: 0.00010000

Here is a new features on Bitverts:

Upgrade Accounts to get benefits and Bonus Ads up to 0.005 BTC / click !
CryptoBar where you advertise and get CryptoBar points that will generate you Bonus Ads, the more points the more Bonus Ads you receive.
Direct Referrals Filters.
Latest Withdrawals.
Referral Shop.
Increased the amount you receive / click.
Cheaper advertisement costs.
Instant Withdrawals: coming soon...

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Re: Bitverts -

The latest news on BitVerts

Admin added Jackpots on the Dice Game and details about the Jackpots and the game can be found on the game page by clicking the red info sign;

Next added chat language rooms as following: English, Spanish, French, Russian, Romanian, Indian.
They can be selected by clicking the corresponding flag on the chat window, please keep in mind that chat has new rules now that can be found by clicking the info sign;

More features are on the way and will be added soon!

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Re: Bitverts -

Currently instant withdrawals reached 3 coins: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, if your withdrawal gone in pending that means our cheat system detected an issue on your account such as using 3rd party softwares, multiple accounts and so on, if it is gone in pending your account will be checked manually and if it was a false positive you should receive your payments, the manual check won't last for more than 48 hours.

The wallet service website should be also opened in BETA in the next 2-3 days and we will offer Bitcoin & Litecoin wallet service for Users & Merchants and we are building it in a way so it focus mostly on transaction privacy.

Admin lowered the minimum withdrawal for Bitcoin And Ethereum, you can withdraw bitcoin as soon as you hit 10,000 satoshi

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Re: Bitverts -

A lot of changes have been added on the website that include more earning methods and more changes to come:
- We added up to 4 offerwalls depending on your country you could earn on them from a few dollars to up to a few hundred dollars / month, and you will be able to convert those earnings ( in form of coins ) to any of your crypto balance to cashout.
- We added an improved daily reward system that will be able to increase your daily earnings on the spin wheel.
- Dice is completed and in it's final testing phase, more news regarding dice will be posted soon.
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