Best tips to get high score on Escape Road

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Best tips to get high score on Escape Road

What enables escape road's top scorers to progress this far?
Gain control of the controllers
You have to get proficient in the fundamentals if you want to race professionally. Reflex practice will help you handle unanticipated circumstances and attacks from various police sides. You will have an advantage to get away from the busy streets thanks to spectacular drifts.
Conquer the race
In escape road game, focus and make a snap decision on the direction of motion. Make the fastest travel plan you can by figuring out where the cop cars and obstacles are.
Know the specifications, fuel, and top speed of your car before the race. Driving in tight spaces or between buildings should be avoided since this would make it more difficult to escape. River-front areas may potentially result in a loss of balance and a fall into the water.