Basic German Phrases, Vocabulary and Grammar

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Basic German Phrases, Vocabulary and Grammar

Let's Start with Some Basic German Phrases
Here are some essential German phrases to get you started:
German Language Course in Pune

Hallo - Hello
Guten Morgen - Good morning
Guten Tag - Good day
Guten Abend - Good evening
Gute Nacht - Good night
Common Phrases:

Bitte - Please
Danke - Thank you
Entschuldigung - Excuse me
Ja - Yes
Nein - No
Vielleicht - Maybe
Basic Questions and Answers:

Wie geht es Ihnen? - How are you?
Mir geht es gut. - I'm fine.
Was machen Sie? - What are you doing?
Ich mache nichts. - I'm doing nothing.
Wie heißen Sie? - What's your name?
Ich heiße [Your Name]. - My name is [Your Name].
Woher kommen Sie? - Where are you from?
Ich komme aus Indien. - I'm from India.
Basic German Vocabulary
Here are some basic German vocabulary words categorized:


Rot - Red
Blau - Blue
Grün - Green
Gelb - Yellow
Schwarz - Black
Weiß - White

Eins - One
Zwei - Two
Drei - Three
Vier - Four
Fünf - Five
Sechs - Six
Sieben - Seven
Acht - Eight
Neun - Nine
Zehn - Ten
Days of the Week:

Montag - Monday
Dienstag - Tuesday
Mittwoch - Wednesday
Donnerstag - Thursday
Freitag - Friday
Samstag - Saturday
Sonntag - Sunday  
Months of the Year:

Januar - January
Februar - February
März - March
April - April
Mai - May
Juni - June
Juli - July
August - August
September - September
Oktober - October
November - November
Dezember - December  
Basic German Grammar
Noun Genders:
In German, nouns are divided into three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. The gender of a noun often doesn't follow logical rules, so you'll need to learn them by heart or use a dictionary.

Verb Conjugation:
German verbs are conjugated based on person, number, tense, and mood. The most basic tense is the present tense.

Ich spreche Deutsch. (I speak German.)
Du sprichst Deutsch. (You speak German.)
Er/Sie/Es spricht Deutsch. (He/She/It speaks German.)
Wir sprechen Deutsch. (We speak German.)
Ihr sprecht Deutsch. (You all speak German.)
Sie sprechen Deutsch. (You/They speak German.)
Word Order:
The basic word order in German is Subject-Verb-Object (SVO). However, there are exceptions and variations, especially in subordinate clauses.