A Comprehensive Guide to Modifying Your Name on an American Airlines Ticket.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Modifying Your Name on an American Airlines Ticket.

If you need to correct or change your name on an American Airlines ticket, it is important to follow the airline’s policies to avoid travel disruptions. American Airlines allows minor name corrections (such as spelling mistakes) and legal name changes (due to marriage, divorce, or other legal reasons). However, significant name changes may require ticket reissuance.

To update your name, you can contact American Airlines customer service or visit their official website. Required documents, such as a passport, marriage certificate, or court order, may be needed. Fees and eligibility for changes depend on the type of ticket purchased.

For a step-by-step guide on how to change your name on an American Airlines ticket, visit: https://www.flightsrules.com/how-to-change-name-on-american-airlines-ticket/.